L'équipe derrière Oly

Empowering expert fashion sellers to supply the online resale market

Created by two fashion enthusiasts committed to circular fashion, the Oly project was born out of our own experiences as secondhand professional sellers, and numerous exchanges with resale businesses.
The digitalization of this sector is largely hindered by the difficulty they encounter in listing their products online and managing multiple sales channels. All these time-consuming and laborious tasks prevent them from focusing on their real added value: sourcing great pieces to give them a new life.
We are convinced that technology can be their best ally for their digital development.
Founders of Oly platform for professional fashion resellers

Combler le fossé entre la mode circulaire et la technologie

Paula Menéndez Pausa
Paula is an expert in fashion tech and data. After completing her engineering studies and working as a consultant for fashion brands, Paula launched a marketplace empowering upcycling creatives to sell and produce their pieces.
Marion Tessier
Marion specializes in luxury and fashion tech. Before Oly, she worked in luxury fashion houses and an AI fashion tech startup. She then launched a marketplace dedicated to vintage fashion, aiming to help boutiques digitize and sell their catalogs online.
George Mathews
George spearheads Oly's technical strategy, bringing over a decade of expertise in leading engineering teams across platform and retail technology startups. His experience is pivotal in our mission to lead the digital transformation of secondhand fashion.
Gagnez du temps. Augmentez vos ventes.
Si vous êtes un revendeur professionnel de mode et que vous cherchez une solution pour gérer automatiquement votre inventaire sur tous vos canaux de vente digitaux, devenez l'un de nos utilisateurs !
Essayez Oly